Late Harvest Fatty Goose Liver - #2 - Check Back NOV 2024


Late Harvest Fatty Goose Liver: The Foie Gras Alternative

Size: 2 lb. package

Late Harvest Fatty Goose liver is a natural and more humane alternative to foie gras. Unlike foie gras, the fatty goose liver occurs naturally in the goose and not as a result of forced feeding. Simply stated, it is a result of more fat being produced in the animal than can be transported for storage elsewhere in the animal’s body.


  • Frozen
  • Raw
  • Ready to Cook

Additional Information:
Fats and fatty acids from the naturally fed food that geese eat, travels first to the goose liver where the food combines with protein and goes throughout the body for storage for later use. Some birds genetically produce more fat than the proteins in their bodies can accommodate. The fat remains in the liver where it accumulates, thus the liver grows to about 2-3 times the size of a normal goose liver, approximately 1/3 to 1/2 pound in weight. Birds producing this fatty liver are roughly twice as old and therefore, larger in size than most birds from the flock sent to market. The color of fatty liver is tan rather than dark brown. It has a silky “mouth feel” and incredible richness, but is produced naturally within the bird rather than the bird being subjected to a diet delivered through forced feeding. It is a satisfying, natural alternative to foie gras, and can be prepared and served in many delicious ways like a fine liver product should be. Geese lay eggs in the spring of each year for about 15 weeks, and because of this, we only produce this product once each year. Because of the limited timeframe for this product, the Late Harvest Fatty Goose Liver is available in very limited quantities.

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